Here's where you learn how to make your own beer, and other stuff.
There are some great guys here (who also happen to be excellent brewers) teaching classes on everything from basic extract brewing, to full blown decoction mashing and everything inbetween. Beer not your thing? We are looking into having classes for making wine, hard cider, kombucha, etc, etc.

TBA : 10AM
Beginning Brewing/Partial Mash
Instructor : John / Location: Steinfillers
John has been brewing and working at Stein Fillers for many years. If you come in on a weekend he's the guy answering your questions and fulfilling your orders. Come by and see how John brews his extract based beer.
Get the gist of basic extract brewing and grain steeping.
Seating is available on a first come first served basis, and classes start on time, so don't be late. Classes start at 10am and last 3-4 hours. Sometimes there is beer to share.
Making it easier for our customers.
Click on the image to the left to see our grain list, fill it out, print it out, and bring it to us to fulfill. (if it is not editable in your browser try opening it with Adobe)
All grains will be milled and mixed unless specifically instructed otherwise.
We also will be selling our award winning kits, along with sugars, extracts, hops, etc.

TBD: Intermediate Brewing/All Grain
Instructor: Adam / Location: Steinfillers
Adam is the man who will introduce you to your first whack at brewing all grain beers.
There is a fee for this class, so call the shop before showing up for details. Seating is available on a first come first served basis, and classes start on time, so don't be late. Classes start at 10am and last a couple hours. Sometimes there is beer to share.